These delicious jellies combine fresh strawberries with Pimms (we use Sipsmith Summer Cup available in the Farm Shop) to make for a refreshing grown-up dessert!

Serves 4


  • 5 small leaves of gelatin 
  • 115g caster sugar 
  • 100ml  oz water 
  • 100ml lemonade 
  • 175ml Sipsmith Summer Cup (or substitute with Pimms)
  • 250g trawberries, hulled and thinly sliced 
  • 4 baby cucumbers, thinly sliced 
  • 1 handful of mint leaves, sliced 


1. Soak the gelatin leaves in cold tap water, leaving it for a few minutes to soften.

2. Take a saucepan and dissolve sugar in water over a medium-low heat, stirring all the time. Take the pan off the heat and stir in the softened gelatin leaves.

3. Transfer mixture to a bowl and add lemonade and Summer Cup/ Pimms. Leave to set, stirring occasionally.

4. Once the jelly starts to set, add the strawberries, sliced cucumber and a little mint.

5. Transfer into small glasses or a jelly mould and leave to set for at least four hours in refrigerator before it is set and ready to serve. Garnish with remaining mint.

Strawberry Summer Jelly

We are a family-run farm set in the heart of the Chiltern Hills, Buckinghamshire.

